our rice


We take our rice seriously. In fact, we have been working on perfecting it since the 18th century. The knowledge we have perfected throughout the years and the generations is now contained in every single batch and pack of Aparroz rice. Together, we represent a group of farmers and producers who have united to defend the sustainability and good practises of integral production and rice quality certification.We are absolutely certain that the salt of our sea, the sand of our dunes and even the scent of our pine trees is entwined in every single grain of our rice; and that all our crops and harvests are environmentally friendly, assuring the plant sustainability.This way, we can always tell – in every single tasting experience – that this is our own rice.


Each one of the rice varieties produced in our region originates unique grains, which are allotted to single-variety, PRODI-certified batches, which are traceable right back to the source.

Get to know our varieties:

  • CL 33
  • Iberico CL
  • Diva PV
  • Jsendra
  • Sprint
  • Gládio
  • Formula PV
  • Ronaldo
  • Euro
  • Corimbo
  • Carnaroli
  • Bomba
  • Teti
  • Selénio


The peculiar entwining between the Tróia peninsula tides and the river Sado’s waters originates some of the most representative grains that sustain Portuguese gastronomy. In over 6 thousand acres of local and integrated certified production, the Alcácer do Sal region provides exceptional conditions for our rice’s aquatic growth, bringing you the most iconic national rice varieties.

It is impossible to grow in these unique fields without developing a peculiar personality and an amazing character. That is why our rice has become such a world reference, keeping the same exceptional characteristics in each grain, while keeping the potential for industrial transformation. After all, you can appreciate both an incredible risotto and a fluffy and moist rice cake.


Those who harvest rice were raised to know how to do it properly. Rice farming is the main economical activity of this region, creating a huge impact on the landscape and also on the local population’s way of life, in an organic and seamless way.

The sweet waterways and sluices, the mild temperatures, and the vast plains protected by a unique dune cord and the hundreds of pine trees have created an outstanding environment to provide us with the best Portuguese rice nature has to offer. All the generations who work here know each grain like the back of their hands. Come and meet them.